
6over4 Tunnels Configuration - (Mechanisms of transition from IPv4 to IPv6)

One of the most common mechanisms for testing IPv6 network interconnection, are 6over4 tunnels, which are used to encapsulate IPv6 packets in IPv4 native network, creating a peer to peer network between two machines that are communicating by this protocol .

Normally an IPv6/IPv4 node, or dual stack, in order to communicate with another computer through an IPv4 network, you need a tunnel interface, in which IPv6 addresses are configured as shown in the graph.

Tunne IPv4

6over4 Tunnels Configuration

Configure the tunnel 6over4 is in principle a relatively simple task, the configuration is similar to that performed in a GRE tunnel

For configuration, you must define the start and destination addresses on both computers, in some cisco equipment does not allow defining the start address, so they can define the start of the tunnel through the interface with local public IPv4 address. To 6over4 tunnel configuration is not necessary to define an IPv4 address.

Router1#configure terminal 
Router1(config)#interface Tunnel10
Router1(config)# ipv6 address 2800:100:101::1/64
Router1(config-if)#tunnel source
Router1(config-if)#tunnel destination
Router1(config-if)#tunnel mode ipv6ip

On Router 2, you must create another tunnel interface, as Router 1, and associate the source and destination addresses.

Router2#configure terminal 
Router2(config)#interface Tunnel20
Router1(config)# ipv6 address 2800:100:101::2/64
Router2(config-if)#tunnel source
Router2(config-if)#tunnel destination
Router1(config-if)#tunnel mode ipv6ip

As discussed above in some cases the equipment can not define the starting IP address, so you will need to specify the start of the tunnel with the physical interface name, for our example, will the interface f0/0, the command will be the following: "Router2 (config-if) # tunnel source int f0/0".

At the end of these configurations, the resulting topology will be as shown in the graph below, with an interface Tunnel10 in router1, connected with a direct cable to Tunnel20 interface on Router 2 and allow the simulation of having a link dedicated to communicate via IPv6, this is a simple way to interconnect their networks for IPv6 testing.

Tunnel for IPv6

Routing traffic through the tunnel 6over4

The next step now will allow routing from network 2800:20:20 :: 0/64 with the network 2800:10:10 :: 0/64. This is very simple, just simply turn on IPv6 routing and then add a route to reach the other network, the commands needed are:

Router1(config)#ipv6 route 2800:10:10::/64 2800:100:10::2
Router1(config)#ipv6 unicas-routing
Router2(config)#ipv6 route 2800:10:10::/64 2800:100:10::1
Router2(config)#ipv6 unicas-routing


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