
Enabling the SNMP Agent for Linux SUSE


Before beginning to describe the steps to perform an SNMP agent configuration is necessary to verify that they meet the following requirements.
  • Suse Linux
  • net-snmp version 5.2 or more recent.
Note: to install snmp package, use the installation source or method it deems appropriate, rpm, tar or using yast.


Edit the snmpd.conf file located in the /etc/snmp/ directory or can be found in the /etc/ directory.

syslocation Server Room
syscontact Sysadmin (root@localhost)
rocommunity public
com2sec local localhost private
com2sec mynetwork
group local_group v1 local
group local_group v2c local
group local_group usm local
group public_group v1 mynetwork
group public_group v2c mynetwork
group public_group usm mynetwork
view all included .1 80
access local_group "" any noauth exact all none none
access public_group "" any noauth exact all none none

Activating Agent

linux:~# /etc/init.d/snmpd start
Starting snmpd

linux:~# chkconfig snmpd on

Note: Once you have completed these steps, the SNMP agent will be ready to go, and starts automatically when you turn on the server.

Activation of the port in the firewall:

Enable ports UDP 161 and TCP 161.

If you are using the iptable is necessary to introduce a line like this in the file: /etc/init.d/boot.local.

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT

Note: The address is the server that will be making monitoring Internet traffic to each of the branches of the company or institution that is why you must allow port 161 access to this computer.


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