
Network Management - Functional Areas - Part II

Management Functional Areas

ISO classifies the tasks of the management systems in five functional areas:
  1. Configuration Management.
  2. Performance Management.
  3. Fault Management.
  4. Security management.
  5. Management Accounting. 

1. Configuration Management

Configuration Management is the process of obtaining data from the network and use them to incorporate, maintain and remove components and resources within it. It consists of performing three basic tasks:
  1. Data collection on the state of the network. This usually uses two types of tools that run automatically: the tools of auto-discovery and auto-mapping tools. The first carries out a periodic polling of the network to determine which elements are active and what features. The second find out how interconnected the various network elements. All this information is graphically represented by a topological map.
  2. Change the configuration of resources.
  3. Storing configuration data. All data must be stored for network inventory. Allowing a quick and easy location of data to help improve performance in other activities at the same time allows the detection of information vital to the functioning of the network.

2. Performance Management

Its main objective is maintaining the level of network service. Based performance management tasks in the definition of some performance indicators. That is, it is necessary to establish a set of criteria for knowing what the extent of use of a resource. The indicators used are classified into two groups
  • Operating parameters, service-oriented. Measure the satisfaction of the user access to resources. The most important are the availability, response time and error rate.
Example Perfomance Management
Example Perfomance Management
  • Operating Parameters oriented efficiency. Measure the degree of utilization of resources. Basically there are productivity (throughput) and the use
Example Perfomance Management

3. Fault Management

Fault Management's main objective is the location and recovery of network problems. It covers the following aspects:
  • Detection and identification of faults.
  • Isolate the cause of failures
  • Correction of the problem.
Hobbit - Fault Management

For fault management tasks is necessary to have control mechanisms and procedures alarms for faults in general and in the same way, procedures for repair / recovery.

Throughout this process must be a record by a system or application incidents, and it must also be registered in the steps taken and solutions found to the problem, so will be faster and easier to correct an error that has already been previously resolved.

Proper implementation of fault management is profit, improve reliability and effectiveness of the network in order to improve the performance and satisfaction of users of the network.

Identification of faults is possible to do this in two ways:
  • Scheduling notifications: Traps
  • Monitoring: Periodic Survey by getRequest
There are many tools that allow fault management, both at the application level, business, infrastructure or IT services, from simple to complex, some even use color codes to indicate the status of some processes or states of equipment.

Monitoring Tools

Common utilities
  • ping
  • traceroute
  • ethereal
  • snmp
  • ...

Monitoring Systems
  • HP Openview
  • Nagios
  • Big Brother
  • Hobbit
  • ...

In fault management includes the creation of support mechanisms, creation of ticket (helpdesk) incidents in the NOC (Network Operations Center), the allocation of staff on duty (8x5 or 24x7).

4. Security Management

The objective of Security Management is to provide mechanisms to facilitate the maintenance of security policies. Security Management covers the following:
  • Identifying information to protect and where you are.
  • Identification of points of access to information and easy contact points (, well known phone
  • Protection of access points.
  • Maintenance of access points protected.
Tools for managing security: Survey of vulnerabilities such as nessus, log analysis, Filter Service, use of data encryption mechanisms

5. Management Accounting

Management Accounting's mission is the collection of statistics to generate reports charging that they reflect use of resources by users. Requires performing the following tasks:
  • The collection of data on the use of resources.
  • The establishment of quotas.
  • The user charges for the use of resources.

Network management - Part I - "Functionality and Monitoring"


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